Through The Peaks respects your privacy. Your trust is important to us and we are committed to providing you with meaningful choices with respect to the information we collect from or about you. Beginning January 1, 2020, the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (the “CCPA”) provides California residents with certain rights with respect to their personal information, including the right to opt out of certain disclosures of personal information as explained below.

  • Through The Peaks may collect information from or about you, including personal information, when you use our site and services as described in our Privacy Notice. If you are a user of the Through The Peaks website, we may disclose certain information we collect about you for purposes that may be considered a “sale” under the CCPA. For example, we may disclose information to advertising partners, advertising technology companies, and companies that perform advertising-related services in order to provide you with more relevant advertising tailored to your interests on the site. This may help personalize your experience and the content you see on Through The Peaks as well as other platforms and services, as further described in our Privacy Notice.
  • Under the CCPA, you have the right to request a report, opt out of the “sale”, and request deletion of your personal information. We provide this right, subject to a verifiable consumer request, to users regarding personal information collected by us in. To exercise this right, contact us on our contact page.

For more information see our Cookie Policy, Privacy Policy, Disclaimer and Terms and conditions pages.