
Arachnophobes Beware: The Spiders are out in Southern Colorado

Arachnophobes beware, the spiders are out and roaming around southern Colorado. Every year when the temperature starts to drop thousands of tarantulas begin their mating journey. Beginning in late august, peaking in mid-September, and lasting until early October male tarantulas leave their burrows in search for females to mate with.

If you wish to see this event in person head down to southeastern Colorado near La Junta. Some of the best places so spot the tarantulas are in Comanche National Grassland, and along highways 350 and 109. While it is possible to spot them throughout the day, peak spotting time is an hour or two before sunset.

Once you spot one it is important to keep your distance and to not interfere with their natural mating behavior. They are not aggressive towards people, however if they feel threatened, they can bite or fling irritating hairs. Even though there are
thousands of tarantulas it may be difficult to see them, however, it is worth the wait to see these incredible creatures in the wild.

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